”We must allocate the adequate resources both human and fi nancial to implement the laws. Because these laws are implemented by people who also need resources they need transport fuel money to go investigate cases and arrest the criminals so we must resource the necessary structures. We need to also disseminate these laws widely we need to deliberately share what is in these documents collectively, we also need to simplify these laws into language that a common person can understand the legal language is too complicated for most people to understand in that respect we need to translate the laws into languages that our people understand if the laws are to be implemented effectively. On poverty, we need to have economic strengthening programs especially for the most vulnerable households including households with the elderly. A least we have the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) Scheme which is baby steps but in the right direction. We need social protection services targeting these vulnerable people to economically empower households of orphans (child headed households with children looking after fellow children) we need to target vulnerable households with children for economic strengthening interventions and build social safety nets for these children to register somewhere and receive help to go to school and get heath care otherwise they will be working in bars the streets stone quarries because they have to survive. We can’t eliminate poverty absolutely but in respect to children we need economic strengthening interventions and build social safety nets.”
Book Launch: Join us for the virtual launch of the book Child Behavioral Health in Sub-Saharan Africa on Feb 16
Examines evidence-based, culturally appropriate child and adolescent behavioral health research from the region Highlights intervention