
We partner with practitioner organizations especially those at grass root level to implement findings from our research studies. The empirical evidence generated informs the way CSOs design their programs and deliver services

Partnership to implement Positive parenting Practices

From November 2016 to October 2017, we are collaborating with Lango Child and Community Development Federation (LACODEFF), a ChildFund International Partner based in Lira District to build on existing positive parenting practices that already exist in the community to ensure protection and wellbeing of Children, with full engagement and involvement of community members.

This initiative is premised on the findings from the study on Parenting Practices in Uganda, 2013 that effective parenting programs have been associated with better cognitive, physical and emotional development in children; decreased rates of child neglect and abuse; increased knowledge about parenting skills and child development; enhanced child/parent communication, greater efficacy in parental discipline and monitoring; decreased substance abuse during youth. There is also evidence that when children have consistent care-givers who respond to their needs and provide love, affection, interaction, and play, these stimulate healthy development for their success in school and in life.

Parenting programs that incorporate livelihood and financial education have also shown to increase household income, reduce malnutrition and health problems, school drop outs, and improve parents feeling of self-efficacy to support their children.

The initiative/Project is intended to strengthen the community-based structures to scale up positive parenting practices to promote child wellbeing and protection. Community members/structures were involved in the identification of needs and solutions to address some of the parenting challenges.

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