Celebrating the life of James Kaboggoza, AfriChild Board Member
Mr. James Kaboggoza, among his peers, was an ‘Encyclopedia on Children’s issues in Uganda. A
Fatherhood is a role, not a title: AfriChild Launches State of Uganda’s Fathers Report 2021
Ugandan fathers have been tasked with being accountable to their parental obligations by primarily being

Day of African Child 2021: AfriChild convenes child-focused research symposium, launches study on effect of COVID19 on wellbeing of children in Uganda
“The quality of the future of any nation depends on the quality of the care

Keeping Children Safe and engaged during post-COVID-19: AfriChild Shares Research Evidence on Amani FM 89.1 Radio in Adjumani district
Aware that children have been affected greatly during the pandemic, the AfriChild Centre has continued

AfriChild staff complete 3-day change management training
AfriChild staff completed a three-day change management training facilitated by the CBLI Centre, a leading

Fatherhood in Uganda – AfriChild, Heartlines study seeks to fix the gap between fathers and children
Fatherhood is associated with responsibilities of love, care, and meeting children’s needs especially education. But

AfriChild holds orientation meeting for Inter-University Program trainers and mentors
AfriChild held an orientation meeting for trainers and mentors of the Inter-University Program. This activity

What’s the link: Together for Girls, AfriChild research fellowship uses VACs data to explore linkage between household economic status, sexual violence and utilization of services in Uganda among adolescents
The AfriChild Centre is running a research fellowship with Together For Girls that focuses on

We are looking for a translator
The AfriChild Centre seeks to hire a consultant to translate materials for an upcoming study